Looking for a Voice Actor for your Flash, Dub, Radioplay, or other project? I'm your man! With 30 submitted flashes of experience & 1,500+ recorded lines, I have the experience you need, and probably the ability to make the voice you want!

Sean Chiplock @sonicmega

Age 34, Male

Student/ Voice Actor

Western Michigan University


Joined on 4/27/04

Exp Points:
10,752 / 11,370
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.31 votes
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B/P Bonus:

sonicmega's News

Posted by sonicmega - March 5th, 2018

There are so many different ways I can think of to begin this post, and if I waited until I'd come up with "the perfect intro" I guarantee this post would never end up being made in the first place. But it's worth making, even if just for the main purpose of there being a record for people to come across should they find this profile someday.

Newgrounds holds a special place in my heart - and always will - because even though I have yet to really get involved in animation (a personal goal that still sits with me to this day, and one of the major defining features of this place), it was this very website that served as the origin of my pursuit into the world of voiceover. At 17, the rush of a brand new discovery - of something that I knew so little about yet meant more to me than anything else I'd "had interest" in before - had me essentially spazzing out and talking about it anywhere I felt there was someone willing to listen. I was a raging creative fire with no real sense of direction, just trying to let itself burn because for the first time in my life something DROVE me to be as excited as I was.

This was the first-ever public discussion I held since I decided to get into VO, just barely over 11 years ago.

It'd be impossible to effectively summarize in a single blog post everything that transpired since that day to lead me to where I am now, but I can at least be cliche and say it involved a LOT of work. 11 years of practice, of networking, of performing and listening to others perform. Uprooting myself, starting life again in a brand new state, taking workshops for clients I used to only hear about through television advertisements, sending auditions FOR those same television advertisements. Succeeding, failing, praising myself on my good choices, and hating myself for the missteps I made along the way. It's honestly unbelievable for me to realize that over a decade has passed - that I've been DOING this for over a decade in some fashion - since that first moment of inspiration truly hit me.

But the fact is that the inspiration has now become a milestone. I got into voiceover dreaming of one day earning the right to voice a lead role in the same type of show that inspired me, and now I'm living that dream this very waking moment

The reason this post exists, then, is to perhaps one day be that source of inspiration for someone else who may be trying to find their own calling in life (or may have found it, but are struggling to really commit to it). For me it was a 3-minute "behind the scenes video" on Adult Swim's web page, but for someone else it could be as simple as finding a recent blog post on an otherwise ancient account, showing them that Yes, You Can Do This Too. It probably won't be easy, and you'll probably have plenty of moments where you question yourself (trust me, I still do), but if the love and desire is there then you CAN and WILL make something of it as long as you refuse to give up.

I don't want to assume a post like this means I won't find myself on Newgrounds again - life is too unpredictable to ever say "never". But I know for a fact that Newgrounds played an immense, integral role in how I ended up where I am today; the BBS is where I spilled my guts about my love for this new career choice discovery, where I powered through my first round of "naysayers" (and lifted myself on the shoulders of those faceless supporters), where my mentor found me and plucked me up to take me under his wing. It all began here - and it was up to me to run with it and bring it everywhere else.

To whoever may be reading this, I hope you're living the dream you too once had. And if you aren't (or you simply haven't found it yet), I want you to trust yourself enough to know that once you find one, you have the potential to make it a reality... even if it takes 11 years (or more) to do it.

Stay demonically inspired.



Posted by sonicmega - January 16th, 2012

Interested in requesting my service for your project, but not sure how to reach me outside of Newgrounds? The following are all ways to find me:

EMAIL (for paid work): vo.seanchiplock@hotmail.com

EMAIL (for free work): anime_sonicmega@hotmail.com

SKYPE: NGsonicmega

MSN: See Email (free) - Not preferred

AIM: Frestylr77 - Not preferred

I look forward to hearing from you!

How to contact me

Posted by sonicmega - November 16th, 2010

First off, my sincerest apologies to anyone who may have tried to contact me on a regular basis before now, or at least within the last couple of days since the original date of this posting - between college and regular voiceover work, I haven't had the adequate chance to open myself up to smaller projects once again until now, and the messages have piled and piled upon themselves in the meantime.

This is merely an update to let anyone interested that 1) I am VERY much still alive, 2) I am *more* than happy to take on your requests, and 3) If you sent a request or PM already and I haven't responded, it probably got deleted when I cleared my entire inbox history, so please resend one to me at your earliest convenience!

If I can manage to get around to it soon enough, I will seek to update this post little by little with my recent happenings, but in the meantime, I do hope to hear some inviting words from you if my services are what you need!

2010 CHARACTER REEL: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/rbfw

To any and all seeking voices/voiceover for their project!

Posted by sonicmega - July 9th, 2008

Definitely has been a while since I updated this, but I figured I'd give it a whirl anyway!

It's hard to know where to start with this, particularly because I don't consider myself important enough to warrant anyone reading this news post in the first place, but if nothing else I'd like to provide an insight into the future plans of a fellow Newgrounder. As we speak, my mind is already floating off to a little place called Western Michigan University, where I will be entering as a freshman this fall amidst the praise of a $40,000 scholarship earned with the help and support of my many friends on this wonderful site. From there, I hope to pursue a degree in Communications with a Minor in Japanese, perhaps to one day fulfill my dream of becoming a voice actor for one (or many) of the animes being brought over to the United States as of late. I know such an honor is a long way off, but it is one of the few things my heart is willing to strive for more than anything else.

In the meantime, this summer has been particularly fun for me, albeit a bit repetitive in bouts of Brawl and Umbrella Chronicles. Movies have provided a decent break from the norm, and the continuations of many of my favorite Flash series on Newgrounds have also whiled away many a wee hour of the morning.

I'm also hoping to foray a bit more into the realm of the Audio Portal, since I've noticed that I seem to get a lot of joy out of writing extensive reviews for others, and in turn seeing their responses. God do I love author responses. Feel free to leave me a link to your audio submission in this news post, and who knows? I may leave you a suitable review in a matter of hours! ;)

On that note, THANK YOU to EVERYONE who supported my Sinnoh Pokerap, which has officially earned the title of #1 SONG OF THE WEEK as well as #1 SONG OF ALL TIME for this week. I doubt it will last long, but nevertheless I am grateful for the efforts of numerous people who provided their time to give me pointers and hear the song ahead of time before I submitted it to make sure it was good to go. A comprehensive (and likely soon to be updated) list of those names follow below:

Markus B Grizwald (LOL)

Of course, this was only the initial list, as the amount of positive feedback I have gotten from most of you is simply astounding, and I can't thank you enough for your support. It really means a lot to me that so many of you find something in my rather "unique" ideas to enjoy. No, really, thank you.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this, and have a wonderful day, Newgrounders!

P.S. Almost forgot, listen to this song if you haven't had the chance to do so yet. Beautiful array, composure, and overall beat. Definitely a favorite in my book!

Music, Voicing, and College, oh My!

Posted by sonicmega - February 15th, 2008

Or sick, twisted torture/bondage lover?

You decide.

Luigi - Innocent Brother?

Posted by sonicmega - November 15th, 2007

Been a long time since I submitted anything of my creation, but I decided to throw two more tracks on here, one semi serious, the other pure boredom.

Be sure to check em out!

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /106270 (Pokemon Sinnoh Rap)

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /106282 (The-Donkey's Personal Ode)

~sonicmega :3

Posted by sonicmega - October 28th, 2007

Call me a trendjockey, but I am in <3 with Maplestory to a very large degree, such that any chance to earn some maplepoints is good enough for me to display it around the Internet.

Thus, you will see below you a picture for the Maplestory Mob, a chance to spread the word about Maplestory and earn yourself some Fame Points in-game for doing so. The link to the actual site is located above the picture.


My God, do I love Maplestory

Posted by sonicmega - October 14th, 2007

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An Ode to MechaBloby

Posted by sonicmega - September 9th, 2007

I don't care how low it may fall now, because it just means you're all jealous. and if you 5 it, then you're awesome.

Thanks, everyone who contributed to this amazingly impossible feat. I couldn't have done it without your mindless devotion. <3

Now suck my e-penis. CHING CHONG.


Posted by sonicmega - August 5th, 2007



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