Looking for a Voice Actor for your Flash, Dub, Radioplay, or other project? I'm your man! With 30 submitted flashes of experience & 1,500+ recorded lines, I have the experience you need, and probably the ability to make the voice you want!

Sean Chiplock @sonicmega

Age 34, Male

Student/ Voice Actor

Western Michigan University


Joined on 4/27/04

Exp Points:
10,752 / 11,370
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.31 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:


As I've told you numerous times now, your song really deserves the spot it's in.

For the people who are reading this and don't yet truly grasp how great it is: Just imagine having to put all the pokemon names into a song, and make it effectively feel flowing and actually work. Is it sinking in, already?

Something like that takes a huge amount of effort and as I've said before, you really nailed it. It really sounds like something you'd hear on the show, and it's actually fun to listen to as well. You voiced it perfectly, executed it flawlessly, honestly, don't let nobody tell you the song wasn't good because they're only focusing on the melody in the background. Sometimes Music isn't all about what's happening with the instruments.

Again, fantastic job, and I'm pretty honored to see you nudged me in your comment. It means a lot, really. :)

Haha, I had to laugh while reading this, in a good way of course. Musical Artists seem to be one big group of people who shout "Oh no, YOURS was far better" to one another all the time. We're too modest for our own good. Nevertheless, I'll call it a truce in our case, but know that your song will not be leaving my head soon, frankly because my thoughts are already trying to morph a flash out of it.

Too bad my flash ability is 0/100.



Your BBS sig is still the one I made ever so long ago.. Too bad it can't be animated :(

And I still love it more than anything else I've ever used. Thanks so much :D



Nice job on this! As I've said before, doing all that, making it rhyme, and having a steady beat would take so much work I can't even comprehend it. Amazing job!

It's all possible, you just have to be patient. And lordy, was the person who commissioned me patient. I can't thank him enough.

Thanks again!

You never linked me to your new rap :(

I never saw you on MSN, my love. Please forgive me D:

i have listened to that song alredu and it kicks ass nemesis theory is my favorite author when it comes to audio and one of my favorite authors on newgrounds period

I believe Nemesis is a she, and yes, she is AMAZING.

0/100 is not over 9000. >:(

I... I don't understand.

go sonic mega! you're a legend.


Hell yeah, you made it! :D

You truly deserve it. Congratz :3

*listens again and again*

Haha, I only made it because the people who listened to it helped it get there, including yourself, so thank YOU! It makes me ecstatic to see that you don't need amazing sound effects to have an effect on people.

Congrats on making the Sinnoh Pokérap #1... for now. Pokémon is my favorite anime of all time! C1ph3r even knows the Kanto Pokérap by heart! Now, I'm gonna ask him to memorize the Sinnoh Pokérap! This is awesome! Keep it up ;)

Haha, thanks so much for your input! I hope he succeeds in memorizing it, because at least I won't be the only one anymore! I'm really glad that you got such a kick out of it, it's really uplifting :D



The lack of the ability of the users of newgrounds to distinguish between what is crap and what is not is blowing my mind right now.

Let's get right down to it, this thing FUCKING SUCKS. I don't know if you're being serious, or you're trolling.

None of the name rhymed even though a lot of the names sound the same anyway. It's an uneven beat and your voice makes me want to shoot myself in the face. If you can make songs WITHOUT your voice, maaaaaaaybe it would improve.

Well in my standards. According to newgrounds you're some sort of god.

Whatever, the point I'm making here is the song does not deserve that position. I could throw together a list of names and put them off beat.

If you're trolling, you're successful
If you're serious, get a life.

If I were trolling, the joke would have ended the moment it got #1, because it's there all week. Therefore, I must be serious.

And yet I did not remove your comment and ban you to cover up the fact. Why is that, you may ask? Because I want your abusive language to be seen by anyone who visits this page. This comment would have done perfectly fine had you stated your opinion in a mannerful fashion. But no, you couldn't help but throw in a suicidal reference, coarse language, and false accusations.

You are yet another example of the Newgrounder who cannot naysay a submission without going overboard.

I have said it a hundred times, and I will say it again: I had NO CONTROL over who voted on this. NONE. WHATSOEVER. I never intended for this to place on the list, or even to NOT place on the list; the decision was entirely up to the mouses of the listeners, and it will always remain that way. Say what you will about this submission, vote 0 as you may, you cannot change the undying fact that in the end, originality caught people off guard enough to gain their support long enough for it to gain the spot, and that just peeves you to no end, based on your comment.

So guess what? Deal with it. This is my submission, not yours, and my creation, not yours, and you will have no part in controlling what happens to it beyond what you are capable of doing through a single, miniscule vote.

YOU, sir, must get the life.

i dont like you

I'm sorry you don't like me.

Quite frankly I'm impressed that you did not delete that.

What I'm really trying to go after is the newgrounders who voted 5 because LAWLZ POKEMANS.

And manners? There are no manners on the Internet anymore. I could of just as easily just commented U PHAIL and spammed it 9000 times. The comment is not even close to overboard. If I wanted to go overboard, you'd regret putting up your AIM.

Another thing, almost everything on the audio portal is original. Each with different styles. I try to be as neutral as I can, but when something strikes me as a bit off I tend to go after it. (aka my name)

and since we're on the topic of throwing insults,
lol, weeabo faggot.

I don't see the people who 5 bomb it any differently than those who 0 bomb it, except for perhaps the logic behind why they did it. A vote's a vote.

And for my insulting retort, fuck your dog :D

Well, since you're on the mood of reviewing music, listen to my submission:

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/63606">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/63606</a>

And congrats on getting #1 best of the week in the AP!

Alright! I'll give that music a view later tonight when I have full attention to give, and I promise a review the size of my usuals! Thanks for the support!

Huh? When I listened that pokérap I found it funny because I thought u were messing with everyone. I happily read the reviews scoring 0 and laughed at their comments because they think you are a childish 18 year old. But now...ARE YOU? Do you really like pokémon? You really know all their names? You really made that rap because you LOVE POKÉMON AND NEED TO EXPRESS YOUR LOVE AND DEVOTION TO IT?
Please tell me you are not. I just hope this is a new sarcastic joke on NG.

LOVE Pokemon? Like LOVE love? Oh dear lord no, it's nothing like that. This was a project I was asked to do by a fellow Newgrounder, and while I still hold some feelings for the little buggers, it's nowhere near the level you are bringing up to me. I only know all their names because I wrote each on down in Word after accessing my Pearl Pokedex, and because they were in the lyrics. It doesn't go beyond that.

I don't need to express my love for anything (except maybe Fullmetal Alchemist), but I DO enjoy expressing my love for voice acting projects, so there you go!

I don't have a dog.

Not anymore. You overworked it D:

Told you so.

Hehe, the Pokerap song was really awesome!
I guess you have a voice like Jeff Bandelin (Johny Utah)
the maker of Tankmen series :D
Sounds really similar hehe :D

Whoah, are you serious? I've never been told THAT before.

Huh. I'll have to check that out for myself. Thanks for the comment!

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