Just don't overwork yourself, kiddo.
Looking for a Voice Actor for your Flash, Dub, Radioplay, or other project? I'm your man! With 30 submitted flashes of experience & 1,500+ recorded lines, I have the experience you need, and probably the ability to make the voice you want!
Age 34, Male
Student/ Voice Actor
Western Michigan University
Joined on 4/27/04
Just don't overwork yourself, kiddo.
heh good job
Good ol' sonic workin himself to death.
dude check your messages i sent a new email my old one is really messing up
:D cool megaman!
nice picture :D! :3 just had to tell ya that :D!
Great job on your Pico Project.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't remind me of the Mega Man Legends 3 cancelation. "sob"
Hes giving a thumbs up but it kinda looks like he has his arms in the air and has tiny arms lol
Sooooo much of it.