Enticing and original!
Though I've been a fan of the Megaman series for such a long time, I must digress in saying that I've not had the fortune of experiencing the ZX series quite yet because of monetary matters; however, I have always loved the often catchy tunes and powerful beats that the games are famous for having accompany them, and so I will more than happily take the opportunity to listen to interpretations of the music to see what may be in store should I ever finally purchase the game for myself.
That said, this submission has caught my attention in a way that few do; though it doesn't start off powerfully, the meshing of different "strains" of music work so efficiently together that it gives off that "jazzy" feeling of a labyrinth-based puzzle, yet still contains the more dangerous beats and slides that remind the listener that this place is not as safe as it may seem at first glance. Yet the most important concept behind Megaman music is that it needs to create an IMAGE; the song needs to be able to paint the scene that our hero is walking within even if the visual stage isn't being displayed with it. For example, the Internet (Densen/Global Area) song from Megaman Network Transmission very much gives the image of an expansive, hugely technological surf through the World Wide Web, and in that same fashion must the tones of fan-made songs represent the areas in which they reside. It is my pleasure, then, to inform you that this piece does VERY well to keep that important aspect quite alive.
I agree that your guitar solo was fitting for this song, but I don't necessarily think that it was the best aspect of this submission. In all honesty, my adoration for this song first came at :10, when the higher-pitched "slides" brought the technological perspective into the "dangerous mission" tone already set in stone by the segmented lower audio. The inclusion of the piano at :16 was a nice touch in bringing about the "maze" style of the stage, but in all honesty, the climax of this submission was at :44; here, the entire group of note strings, high and low alike, came together in the smooth flowing manner that is so ABSOLUTELY KEY to memorable Megaman songs, segments of songs that are hard to decide regarding which section (bass, main, or harmony) to sing, simply because of how the main notes carried the tune forward whilst the slides and pumps of the secondary audio added detail to it as it progressed, a forward but defined motion. Though some of the guitar solo took away from this at first and began to give it more of that hardcore rock "Megaman X" feel that I've found to take away from the authenticity of the music, it's inclusion into the "main flow" at 1:37 refreshed that Megaman feel and brought this piece back to being as enjoyable as it was in the beginning.
In the end, my tastes in music are defined quite simply by how it impacts my travels in life; if I can walk or run to the beat and enjoy the actual content at the same time, it's a definite keeper in my book. Your submission both contains the pace needed for a casual run AND the detail to envision the scene in which I'm running, and for that I happily inform you that this song shall reside within my iPod for me to call upon when needing that little bit of extra motivation to get myself to the next class of the day. Your work shows definite effort, as well as potential to become even more impressive as you better grasp the contours and personality of the song/music itself. I will definitely be keeping on the lookout for future work from you, my friend. Well done!