
21 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 42 Reviews

Enticing and original!

Though I've been a fan of the Megaman series for such a long time, I must digress in saying that I've not had the fortune of experiencing the ZX series quite yet because of monetary matters; however, I have always loved the often catchy tunes and powerful beats that the games are famous for having accompany them, and so I will more than happily take the opportunity to listen to interpretations of the music to see what may be in store should I ever finally purchase the game for myself.

That said, this submission has caught my attention in a way that few do; though it doesn't start off powerfully, the meshing of different "strains" of music work so efficiently together that it gives off that "jazzy" feeling of a labyrinth-based puzzle, yet still contains the more dangerous beats and slides that remind the listener that this place is not as safe as it may seem at first glance. Yet the most important concept behind Megaman music is that it needs to create an IMAGE; the song needs to be able to paint the scene that our hero is walking within even if the visual stage isn't being displayed with it. For example, the Internet (Densen/Global Area) song from Megaman Network Transmission very much gives the image of an expansive, hugely technological surf through the World Wide Web, and in that same fashion must the tones of fan-made songs represent the areas in which they reside. It is my pleasure, then, to inform you that this piece does VERY well to keep that important aspect quite alive.

I agree that your guitar solo was fitting for this song, but I don't necessarily think that it was the best aspect of this submission. In all honesty, my adoration for this song first came at :10, when the higher-pitched "slides" brought the technological perspective into the "dangerous mission" tone already set in stone by the segmented lower audio. The inclusion of the piano at :16 was a nice touch in bringing about the "maze" style of the stage, but in all honesty, the climax of this submission was at :44; here, the entire group of note strings, high and low alike, came together in the smooth flowing manner that is so ABSOLUTELY KEY to memorable Megaman songs, segments of songs that are hard to decide regarding which section (bass, main, or harmony) to sing, simply because of how the main notes carried the tune forward whilst the slides and pumps of the secondary audio added detail to it as it progressed, a forward but defined motion. Though some of the guitar solo took away from this at first and began to give it more of that hardcore rock "Megaman X" feel that I've found to take away from the authenticity of the music, it's inclusion into the "main flow" at 1:37 refreshed that Megaman feel and brought this piece back to being as enjoyable as it was in the beginning.

In the end, my tastes in music are defined quite simply by how it impacts my travels in life; if I can walk or run to the beat and enjoy the actual content at the same time, it's a definite keeper in my book. Your submission both contains the pace needed for a casual run AND the detail to envision the scene in which I'm running, and for that I happily inform you that this song shall reside within my iPod for me to call upon when needing that little bit of extra motivation to get myself to the next class of the day. Your work shows definite effort, as well as potential to become even more impressive as you better grasp the contours and personality of the song/music itself. I will definitely be keeping on the lookout for future work from you, my friend. Well done!

Zero-Resurrected responds:

haha jesus christ thats a long review. Thanks sonicmega! check back later for my new stuff

Off-and-On Enjoyability.

While I can definitely see this in a more casual (and perhaps even comic) setting of a scientific laboratory, I must admittedly note that the song itself is a hit-and-miss in terms of areas that really stand out an unique yet organized. Much of this is simply because of how long a particular section lasted, or how one piece of the submission transitioned into the other. While the song itself is certainly passable by all means, slight improvements could be utilized to better express the emotion this song wants to convey.

Perhaps the first notable "fix-worthy area" would be the length of the opening section; while the switch between basic notes and lower bass accompaniment is executed well, it simply lingers for too long before entering the next phase. I actually feel that had this opening ended and :15 and gone straight into the part at :21, listeners would have more likely been captured by the sudden but constructive change.

Albeit short, this submission DOES have its positive points to be heard. My favorite section out of the entire piece lasted from :33 to about :39, in that it sounded the most like that casual laboratory setting I mentioned earlier; once the higher notes hit afterwards, however, I felt a little desensitized, likely because of the sheer volume of the new notes that seemed to overpower what I was listening to before. Thankfully, the section beginning at :54 briefly returned me to that happy listening place, ending the song on a relatively positive note.

All that said, what remains is a little necessary cropping on the end of the song on your part, so that even as a song those of us enjoying it don't need to wait 3-4 seconds for it to replay after it ends. Nevertheless, it's not bad for a first submission, and definitely a nice thing for you to reference when working on future submissions!

LuciousClump responds:

Holy Moley that's one duzzy of a review
Well thx SonicMega for leaving a review (More like a mini-novel)
And, Yah I did also feel like it has it's on and offs , but for a first submission
I feel proud of it and yah that loud buuu sound is a little overpowering I might fix that 3-4 second thing at the end soon , but right now I'm tired and wanna go to sllep soon so Bye

A battle of substantial proportion!

I simply must applaud your ability to create such a wide variety of music in a relatively short period of time, as I know MANY musical artists who only seem to reign in ONE or TWO types of music as a maximum; you, however, seem to hold a rare mastery of the very CORE of musical talent that allows you to propagate a wide variety of emotions and influences into your submissions. This, my good sir, is a quality that you should cherish as long as you live, because it will allow you to meet the demands of today's listening populace in a way that few others can.

On to the song.

I already must give you a high amount of respect, as the opening to your song had me hooked from the very beginning; being a person who prefers to enjoy his music through the magic of stereo headphones, I am lucky enough to be able to hear EVERY tone that comes out in a song, and from the moment this submission began my foot found itself tapping along without my consent. The progressive bass was also a very nice addition as well as a great transition piece that provided a new perspective on the song.

Perhaps my only qualm about the piece as a whole is that the section beginning at :43 could have used a bit more difference from the rest of the song, by which I mean the overall impact could have actually been SOFTER; this would have provided a powerful interlude that nevertheless seemed a break from the hectic action, eventually bursting back into life for a final thrust as the song comes to a close.

As I write this final paragraph, the song is cycling through for the 3rd time, and I can honestly say that I have not tired of it in the least. Imagining the flash and game possibilities only adds to the excitement I already generate from being subjected to this piece.

Well done, my music aficionado. Your effort has earned a place in my favorites list, and a name to remember when I am looking for another song to enjoy.

shadowmana responds:

Thank you for the review. The only reason I did not change the tone or the volume of the song was because the person I made the song for did not want any part to be soft and slow, or let up in the least. I do feel like I could've changed a bit at some points, but then again I don't feel I can change the song.

I will take all of what you said into consideration the next time I write, which should be soon!

Definitely an.... interesting sound!

I'm not quite sure where to begin with this review, as there are some varying aspects that I want to touch on that are rather different from one another; whether this clash is something to be admired or noted negatively is a fact that will be viewed differently between listeners, but nevertheless it's important to elaborate on what I can.

One of the first concerns I held about this song was the tempo that you were going for. I found myself, unfortunately, confused as to whether you were going for a 3-count or 4-count beat, based on your opening sequence. Harder still is the point that I was unable to determine which of these two it was even by the end of the song. Perhaps that is my fault, but it would have helped this submission to clarify that through the music a little better.

The voice, however, was a wonderful accompaniment, one that I praise highly for its inclusion in this submission. The voice was soft, melodic, and very fitting for the atmospheric context you were going for. Clear, crisp, and quality is all I can say to define this portion, and I would not mind seeing something like it again in future submissions.

The second point that hurt you, however, was the overall simplicity of the instruments used. I understand that emphasis wanted to be given to the singing voice in this piece, but the composition itself was lacking in any real depth. It sounds harsh, but there wasn't a lot of "umph" to the background tune.

All that said, this piece showed some promise, albeit a slightly less-than-stellar performance. Some key points were done well, others not so much, but the submission still holds that unique edge that's important to keep intact. A decent attempt, but one that could be improved.

MexicanGun responds:

Woah, looks like you really took your time at reviewing.

Thanks, for your feedback, man. I really appreciate it.

You know what I like!

I can see where some people would find this song rather repetitive, but I honestly don't see how it could affect THAT much of this piece; what is repeated is well versed in a flurry of upbeat notes, with a rhythm that really gets me moving!

Perhaps the most enjoyable part of this is, by far, the opening sequence, as you waste no time in immersing the listener into a world of palm trees, blue skies, and impending speed. No sooner did the page finish loading than I found myself basking in the sunlight of a stage from Sonic Adventure, watching Sonic speed by as he rushed to his next destination. Surely this can be used for more than this game reference, but my nostalgia brings that memory back as a start.

In noting the loss of a point in my scoring, I found that one piece, beginning at 1:36 and ending at 1:46, was slightly awry in the organization. The sound of two trumpets rather close in pitch clashing against one another led me astray, even if only for a moment, where a single trumpet solo would have fared much better.

That aside, though, this is certainly worth a second listen, and surprising for a second submission from you. Keep me in touch, because I'll definitely be coming back for more!

shadowmana responds:

The sound of the trumpet, incidentally, I felt molded together well. And since I haven't received any other mentions on the trumpet duo, I figure I won't change it.

Thanks for the input and the support.

This... this is beautiful!

My friend, I never thought simplicity could come in such a wonderful form in terms of musical prowess, yet here I sit stunned before you, unbelieving of what you've managed to create for your VERY FIRST SUBMISSION. This, if nothing else, is surely a sign of hope that Newgrounds still has a steady flow of viable Audio Portal regulars coming in to this very day.

Perhaps what surprised me most about this submission was the way it cleverly disguised what seemed to be a bad-quality recording of guitar-playing, then suddenly... "exploded"... into a whole nature of different rhythms and strings. I honestly did not see this coming, and trust me, it was a definitely enjoyable experience. Your composition remained consistent and fluid throughout the piece, with no stray sections or notes to ruin the listening experience. Are you SURE you have never done this before?

I must also remark on the influence of Maplestory that exists here, particularly at 1:45, but do not fear, for this was incorporated just as well and with open arms awaiting it.

Shortly put, my friend, you have created a gradual piece that has done everything to impress me, as well as even cause me to feel RELAXED. This was by far the most surprising first entry I have ever heard from a Newgrounds user, and if it continues this way, believe that I WILL be coming back for more! Congratulations!

shadowmana responds:

haha alright, thank you very much. The beginning transition is one of my favorite parts. I did that so that people might listen to it, maybe be a bit drawn away at first to the point of almost leaving. Then WHAM they're hit with something they just cannot move away from.

Thanks for the review!

A wonderful trance mix!

I will admit, the opening sequence of rain was a bit of an offset to the rest of this song, but I completely understand the purpose of it in this submission; to paint the setting, the locale, where the rest of the song takes place. In that respect you did extremely well, and I am more than happy to overlook the slight effect it had on the piece as a whole.

Regarding the rest of your song, simply beautiful is the word that comes to mind. It reminds me quite definitely of many of the more Trance-based Dance Dance Revolution songs I have come to love, and this submission is very alike in its execution; many of the beats and arrangements have a soft tone, but stand out in their own regard. Meshing is also important here, as well, and even here you succeeded very much so in providing a "plump harvest" of ripened notes. The fact that I hear this through stereo headphones certainly helps the ambiance of it all ;)

Overall, this is a well composed piece that surely deserved the rank it got, and I look forward to seeing what else you may have to offer the people of Newgrounds in the future. You've found your forte, my friend, now don't give it up for ANYTHING!

Mrmilkcarton responds:

Hehe music is my life.

An elegant prose in the form of thorn and bristle.

Being a video game fanatic, I am always one to be interested in hearing the newest production of what may possibly become the boss fight of a future submission, and it is my pleasure to say that this piece moved my inner child in a way few musical symphonies manage to; not just in spirit, but in intuition, imagination, and application.

The beginning of this submission is by far the most interesting, in that it shows quite clearly the contrast about to occur; the joyful tones of the hero (in the form of toy-block sounds) are soon met by the ominous hymns of "justice" standing in his/her way, and the ensuing combination results in nothing short of pure energy emanating from both participating parties.

Perhaps the most notable aspect of this piece lies in that while I almost always attempt to find a suitable game that already exists where the music I am hearing could have been utilized, I cannot name one offhand for this submission. This is not because it is not adaptive to its surroundings, but in fact because it is so original and unique that to tie it to a specific genre would be nothing less than disappointing.

What we have here, in shorter terms, is a masterful compilation of background tones and foreground beats that mesh together as a collective whole while still managing to battle against one another to flesh out the true life behind this piece. What you have done here is a feat rarely attained by others in its wake, and for that I commend you highly. Your submission has earned a place in my heart.

Congratulations, fine sir.

NemesisTheory responds:

Big review!

Video game fanatics are cool to respond to, especially when they go as indepth as this, it really means a song touched them, so I'm really happy it did the trick for you too. :D It's also amazing that the song touched you on so many levels! (didn't even know that was possible XD)

And yes, you totally nailed the idea behind that. The inner child, confrontation and beginning of the fight! :)

And that means I must've done a pretty good job lol... I like the idea that those songs are versatile and can be used in lots of different projects. :) So that's a big compliment, so thank you for that as well. :)

I'm really happy you liked the song that much, and I would be happy to see it in some of your submissions (I checked a few out before I writed this, they are really cool, your voice acting is awesome!), so dont hesitate to let me know if you want me to check something out! I'm especially curious how you'll use this song if you ever decide to use it. :)

Thank you for such an awesome review! :)

Haha, this so deserved 1st place.

I knew as soon as I heard this song that it had that uniqueness that truly only comes once in a while. Excellent composition of music, my good sir, this truly did deserve 1st place of the week, and I'm happy to be right behind it <3

Seriously, kudos to this song. It's so simple, yet hilarious. Almost as though it were a parody of Portal...

Reachground responds:

Hey there Sonic. Thank you for your kind words **blush**.

To tell you the truth, this is not a parody of Portal. That game is awesome and Jonathan Coulton is a big inspiration.

Big thanks again. //Henrik

The battle had since been over...

...yet as he stared at the swords stabbed into the ground in front of him, their owners having placed them there in their final fit of rage, Lyde could not help but choke back the tears that now tore at him from the inside; his country had won the war, but to him it felt nothing like so.

His family, dead. His comrades, destroyed. His people... torn apart. Who would have known that such a decimation was to occur on this day; nay, who COULD have known? That did not matter anymore, however, for now all that continued to exist were but the memories of his land that once had been. He had no home to call his own any longer.

He was born a fighter, raised a valient swordsman.

Now, he lives a mercenary.

KTRECORDS responds:

Very deep. I like it. It was very well written as well. U must write as a hobby? Regardless, well done. Thanks for sharing your story!


Looking for a Voice Actor for your Flash, Dub, Radioplay, or other project? I'm your man! With 30 submitted flashes of experience & 1,500+ recorded lines, I have the experience you need, and probably the ability to make the voice you want!

Sean Chiplock @sonicmega

Age 34, Male

Student/ Voice Actor

Western Michigan University


Joined on 4/27/04

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