I'll vote 1 everyday.
Looking for a Voice Actor for your Flash, Dub, Radioplay, or other project? I'm your man! With 30 submitted flashes of experience & 1,500+ recorded lines, I have the experience you need, and probably the ability to make the voice you want!
Age 34, Male
Student/ Voice Actor
Western Michigan University
Joined on 4/27/04
I'll vote 1 everyday.
Too late. It's already memorialized. LOL.
I lol'ed. :-)
Are you making a flash with this?
I have may have missed that somewhere, sorry if so.
Nah, sorry, no flash. That's TOO egotistical, even for me.
You know what rhymes with faggot? Awesome.
Hey, thanks for that review...it calmed me down a bit as I read through it...I will keep in mind what you said and make sure to at least 'try' to apply it in any audio in the future...thanks again^^.
No problem my man, it is my aim to write plenty of thoughtful reviews that point out the goods AND bads (if they exist) in a song, but in a way that the author is left with a BASIS to focus on instead of an OPINION. I'm glad my review managed to surpass even that for you ;3